As environmental problems become a serious issue, eco-friendly people who want to practice environmental protection and environmental recovery are increasing. However, it is not an easy practical problem to protect and restore the environment directly. To see the act of planting trees, many people are unable to overcome the barrier and give up on the practical problem of obtaining the right over the land for planting or undergoing legal procedures.
Finance funds from eco-friendly donors and investors with the purpose of establishing the goals voluntary.
Plant trees in 133 areas within Indonesia with the license of planting trees with the funds raised in this way.
Provide the right to the trees in a form of NFT. Through the above process, participants who want to protect and recover the environment can purchase NFTs and easily realize the same value as planting trees.
Value of EAC CO2 Token
EAC CO2 token is a blockchain-based ERC20 token, which means the ownership of one carbon credit (ie, a digital certificate in the voluntary carbon market that proves the prevention of 1 ton of carbon dioxide emission in units of carbon dioxide equivalent). Owning an EAC CO2 token means to own a carbon credit registered in an international carbon credit registry with public confidence such as Verra and Gold Standard. To ensure the EAC CO2 token become the currency of the secondary market, the value of the token shall be the same as the carbon credit of 1tCO2, and the tokenized carbon credit of tCO2 should be distributed through the EAC CO2 token. EAC CO2 token holders possess legal ownership of the related carbon credits just by holding tokens.
Value of EAC NFT
To provide this process, we are preparing projects in collaboration with GO CLEAN GO GREEN FOUNDATION, which obtained the license from the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry to plant trees in 133 areas. We are providing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) concerning planting trees to eco-friendly donors with the purpose of establishing goals voluntarily. With donations, trees would be planted in 133 areas of Indonesia and rights to planting trees would be provided in a form of NFT. In addition, we are implementing the same areas with such 133 regions in Indonesia through our EAC metaverse, and NFT holders can also be provided with rights to trees in the EAC METASQUARE are for the same areas as reality.